Altar flowers may be donated in honor or memory of a loved one. The volunteers in the flower guild arrange the flowers for this beautiful ministry. You don’t have to be an experienced arranger but you will learn if you are interested!
The purpose of the Altar Society is to beautify the Altar, provide spiritual growth to the women of the parish through corporal works of mercy. The Altar Society also supports other church activities and provides clean linens and other supplies needed for the Church and Altar. There is also a group of volunteers within the Altar Society who sew altar cloths and banners for the church. These ministries may be performed in your home and you may volunteer for one or both.
The Art & Environment Committee is composed of parishioners who develop and implement the décor and ambiance in the liturgical space to enhance the worship experience of the parishioner based on the season of the year. (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc.). This group needs creative individuals to plan for the beauty of the church, some to help place the fabric, candles and plants and some to water and maintain the plants.
Members of the Funeral Hospitality Ministry serve as ushers and greeters at funerals. They are also there to assist the family in anything they need for the funeral Mass. All volunteers must be Safe Environment trained. Safe Environment - Holy Family Catholic Church - Fort Worth, TX (
Wedding Ministry Volunteers assist couples, their families, and the wedding party at their wedding rehearsals and celebrations. For more information contact Keisha Matthews. All volunteers must be Safe Environment trained. Safe Environment - Holy Family Catholic Church - Fort Worth, TX (